Green House
Green house are climate controlled Technologies. Ferrum Green Houses have a variety of applications, the majority being, off-season growing of vegetables, floriculture, planting material acclimatization, fruit crop growing for export market and plant breeding and varietals improvement.
Ferrum Green Houses are built of a G.I. structure wherein crops are grown under a favorable artificially controlled environment and other conditions viz. temperature, humidity, light intensity, photo period, ventilation, soil media, disease control, irrigation, Fertigation and other agronomical practices throughout the season irrespective of the natural conditions outside.
In conventional Agronomical practices, the crops are being grown / cultivated in the open field under natural conditions where the crops are more susceptible to sudden changes in climate i.e. temperature, humidity, light intensity, photo period and other conditions due to which the quality, yield of a particular crop can get affected and may be decreased.
Advantages of Green House :
- Partial protection of plants from high & low temp
- Production of quality flowers, vegetables & other plants
- Production schedule can be planned as per market need.
- Yield increases by 5 - 15 times or even more
- Off-season production of vegetables & fruit crops.
- Diseases free & genetically superior transplants can be produce continuously
- Efficient utilization of chemicals, pesticides to control pest & diseases.
- Water requirement of crops very limited & easily control
- Protection of shade loving plants from sun injury
- Protection of plants from winds & hailstorm.
- Durable, sturdy, tubular steel structure
- Compact and assembly requires no tools
- Removable cover with zipped front panel for easy access and ventilation
- Ideal for seed propagation, plant growing and display